Sunday, November 19, 2006

Nintendo Wii

Got mine on 17th... The thing is amazing. When I read reports from E3 and such that playing this makes one break a sweat, I did not quite believe it. However, at 3 a.m. the day I installed it, I was sweating lighly while boxing with my virtual opponent, while my shoulder was aching slightly from several hours of playing tennis and bowling.

I don't make a secret of the fact that I invetsed in Nintendo a little fraction of my portfolio, and since 3 months ago it was doing OK (up 40%). But I expect nothing short of astounding growth in the future, since early indication is that it will be more popular than PS3. One such indication is that Nintendo's website errors out on me as I tried to register. First time I got to the page, it loaded without one of the stylesheets, so that layout was all messed up. Futher, all my attempts to enter serial code end up on all kinds of error pages. On the 10th attempt, I was asked to login. From then on, account and system registaration went smoothly, if slow.


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