Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Public is easily sold on "near" quality

This time it's "near-DVD quality" Mr Jobs has blessed us with. Apple these days is so far from making elitist-bound perfection-driven products. Interesting, how convenience overweighed quality. First, it's discrete digital sound of CDs. Next, it's lossy copy of those same tracks. Can we take even crappier sound for our daily consumption?! A-ah, here's the cue: "daily consumption". Before, listening to music on one's stereo was an exciting experience. Something one would not do all day long. Now it's all pre-chewed bubble gum. Worse, it's got something stuck in it... what is it? Oh, it's DRM. Well, your humble servant is not going to step onto this rake again: as a HDD in my notebook crashed, gone are all iTunes songs I bought, as I did not bother to figure out a way to pull these files from underneath the software. It's appaling that for the price of these inferior tracks I can not re-download them in case of loss.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Little nasty wars

This was making rounds in certain partitions of the bigger Internet. You could have seen it, or you could have not. This is a story you can find by entering a search in Google, similar to this. I can be proven wrong, but nobody in tens of instances I inspected myself, nobody provided a link, or a screenshot of the original post. It is possible that the original poster (who?) is such a credible person(a) that no more proof is required, however...

What is the most depressing about this story, is that it's been picked up and repeated verbatim in forums (placed here in the order from most frequent to less frequent) where Russian, Ukrainian (still using Russian to express themselves), Israeli and (wow!) Mongolian programmers gather to share a thought or a joke. That does mean something... but what?

Envy of Indian IT workers is easy to comprehend. Ventured into US en mass earlier than any other group of people, they had enough time to carve out a niche. Moving along various career paths, some of them achived posts allowing them to make decisions that essentially guaranteed Indians a monopoly in IT outsourcing. Certainly, Chinese are close second now in this regard, bound to overtake Indians. Everybody else has a choice: either feel bitter and enforce their own superiority complex with exploits like the above, or move on with their own careers.

C'mon, admit it, stupid code is bound to be found not only in forums where Indians meet.