Sunday, January 07, 2007

NTDOY is so a buy!

We had a blast!!! Not only it made me feel good that I invested in a device that can entertain a bunch of folks, we all enjoyed playing it. My friend said after two rounds of tennis "this is a revolution". I'm responding "Are you kidding me? Don't you know Wii was to be called revolution?!"

Taking turns at the remote, we went through tennis, bowling (I, understandably, had won as I had played myself into the Pro status before), broke up some sweat boxing, and, ultimately, landed on golf. My friend's wife had to drag him out and my friend was quite bitter that he can not continue playing. I need to increase my stake in Nintendo. I hear from another source that Nintendo DS is
wiping the floor with Playstation Portable. There may be a reason. PSP, being so ovewhelmingly powerful, has its powers all locked down by Sony. Homebrew enthusiasts are working hard to make this toy really useful, but Sony wages technological war on them... Unbelievable!


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