Thursday, May 03, 2007

This is not how disciplined investors are

Well, yeah, I blew it. The PNW stock I intended to sell today "no matter what", I didn't. Again I set cowardly too high a price for the sale to occur... I mean, c'mon, dude! above-average incomes are not made by buying and holding. I have to break this unproductive habit!

ONT fired into stratosphere today in after hours... Hmm. I remember looking at it on Tuesday, but for whatever reason (probably, just being a DiVX customer? or due to that DRM-infested nature of their business?), I did not even shortlist it. But then again, JSDA was tempting too, and it did pass the initial filter ("outperform" pick of few very precise and close-to-the-top Motley Fool players that slid more that 2% one day), and for whatever reason I decided to not to mess with it... And it's about as much down as ONT is up. That's the way it averages for me :) Too safe for my own good?


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